The Seven Roads summer weekend
Every year we hold a summer weekend for the Seven Roads. Details vary from year to year, but there is usually a Saturday early evening picnic, an outdoor film screening, and a teatime gathering on Sunday. Previous Weekends have featured plant stalls, road closures with bouncy castle and other games, and neighbours opening their gardens for visits.
Our 2021 Summer Event spanned two weekends
- Open Gardens and a plant sale took place on 10th and 11th July, with 22 lovely gardens open and a steady stream of interested visitors. Thanks to everyone who opened their gardens so we could all enjoy them!
- On 11th September we held a picnic and outdoor film screening in the River Garden, and on 12th September a tea party at Hawkswell Farmhouse by kind permission of the owners. Well over 100 neighbours joined us for tea and cakes.
Our 2020 Summer Event
… took place on Sunday 28th June. The event was carefully tailored to take account of Covid special circumstances. We organized a series of events including a plant stall, quiz, music, and displays of creative work - all carefully arranged so that you could take part in a safe, socially distanced way to whatever extent felt right for you.
The 2019 Seven Roads Summer Weekend
Features of the Summer Weekend on 8th and 9th June included:
- Open Gardens on both days, with no fewer than 30 gardens open to view
- Saturday afternoon picnic with children's entertainer and bar
- Screening of Jules et Jim in the Church Hall on Saturday evening
- Plant sale and tea on Sunday afternoon by kind invitation of Colin and Holly
Photos of the event are in our image gallery.